Essay on "About the Wolf"

Essay on "About the Wolf" <br>The wolf is the largest member of the canine species. The average adult gray wolf weighs 34-56 kilograms.

Essay on "About the Wolf"


The wolf is the largest member of the canine species. The average adult gray wolf weighs 34-56 kilograms. Unfortunately, there are no reliable facts about when and how the ancestors of the domestic dog separated from wolves. Presumably it happened about 4 million years ago. Genetically, wolves and dogs remained quite close to each other. They are able to interbreed and give birth.



For a long time the wolf was considered one of the most formidable animals. Some people worshiped him as a deity, considering it a totem animal. But more often wolves were hated and feared, these animals were persecuted. Click and check website.



European history remembers many cases of wolves attacking domestic animals and people. There is even mention of an Asian wolf taking children away in India. It is well known that most attacks on humans are carried out by rabid wolves. A healthy animal tries to avoid people. Friend, check it out and write cool essays.



In England, for example, wolves were exterminated completely, for which they even erected a monument. In North America, these animals were found from Alaska to southern Mexico, but now they remain only in the polar regions and Canada. Only a few hundred wolves survive in the state of Minnesota. By the middle of the 20th century, this predator had been all but wiped out, with adverse consequences. Fields, plantings, and meadows had been raided by uncontrolled breeding hares and deer. It became clear that the wolf was an important link in the ecosystem and maintained its balance. Share and  use this link for writing essays.



The theory that wolves are by nature solitary and ferocious animals does not correspond to reality. Loners among them are extremely rare. These animals prefer to live in packs. They are social. Pack members become fond of each other, often expressing their love by licking their noses and wagging their tails. A wolf pack is a close-knit group with clear discipline.



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