Tips on Writing Quality Essays

One need not buy an essay if students deal with the topic right from the beginning. Failure to answer the question well can lead to a low mark.

Students are asked to write essays to develop their creative writing skills. A good essay structure will fetch good marks and make any student stand out. The topics can be varied and multi-dimensional but students are worried. They ask themselves who will do my essay?  Start by understanding the question. One need not buy an essay if students deal with the topic right from the beginning. Failure to answer the question well can lead to a low mark.


We elaborate on some points on how to write well and impactful essays. If the below steps are followed well a student will not have to ask themselves- Do I need to rewrite my essay? Follow the below suggestion to write effective essays.


Write simple and effective 

Write short sentences, and have clarity of thought. Do not combine too many ideas in one sentence. Simple sentences bring more focus. See the type of essay and what you want to convey to the readers.


Essay format 

Essay writing is a creative process. It is not confined within boundaries but a basic structure should be followed. The general structure of the essay is the introduction, body, and conclusion.

 In the introduction, the writer introduces the topic. It can also be called the brief synopsis. Generally, it is not very long and can be introduced in several ways. Try to hook the reader and keep his attention. Start by using a quote or a proverb. An interesting way of engaging the readers is by asking a question.

 The body is the main part of the essay. It should have all the relevant details and all essential topics. Organize your thoughts and content. Keep the information flowing in a systematic order. Follow the chronology and sequence.

The conclusion is the last leg of the essay. It should restate the points highlighted in the introduction. It sums up the story or an argument. There should be no hanging threads, try to wrap up the essays by providing a moral.


Make the essay comprehensive 

After providing an interesting title and piquing the reader’s curiosity start the essay. Do not add unnecessary or complicated stuff. Do not use difficult words and maintain the flow of the essay. Avoid grammar mistakes; use the correct punctuations and spellings. Mistakes distract the attention span of the readers.


Edit and proofread 

Draft and rewrite wherever possible, most of the essays can be improved through editing. Remove the inconsistencies or tough terminology. Avoid repetitions and see if there is adequate referencing. Readout your essay loud to avoid any kind of incoherence.


One edit should be sufficient and then organize the material as required by the grader. Follow the mandates and referencing techniques. Arrange the essay in the best format and make it very appealing to the readers. 

Summary: An essay usually outlines the writer’s perspective. It must have a clear thesis. The reader should not be in any kind of doubt. Essay writing is an essential aspect of academic life. This article elaborates on the essay writing tips further.


Author Bio: Sam Blake is a professor of English Literature at the University of Perth. He is also a well-known author at the University of Perth. Sam has co-authored several books and is known for providing excellent writing tips. Sam's essay structure is appreciated by the academic fraternity. In addition, he is an associate for the last five years.

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