The correct design of the term paper

The correct design of the term paper is one of the most important criteria.

The correct design of the term paper is one of the most important criteria for successful defense. It is necessary to properly design the, content, chapters, and, of course, do not forget about the footnotes. Here lurks a lot of important nuances that are worth remembering.

A bibliographical reference is the name of the source of information, which is submitted in footnotes or in the general reference list. It is necessary when citing directly or indirectly, when using other people's text fragments. Even if you are simply retelling the main idea taken from some author, you are also obliged to indicate the source in your work.

A footnote is a space below the main text, at the end of the page. A bibliographic reference is the title of the textbook or monograph from which you take your information, with the author, city, publisher, and year of publication. Thus, a reference is placed in a footnote.

An in-text reference is placed directly in the text itself, in parentheses. It can be a citation from some work, an official document, an auxiliary element, for example, a note. It is impossible to imagine coursework without the correct design of references and footnotes. All this is necessary to ensure that whoever will read your work could easily, if necessary, refer to the original source.

A student's term paper rarely represents any new scientific discovery. The student's task is to analyze existing works, and to draw his or her own conclusions. Including for this, you need references and footnotes. So that the supervisor can see where the information is taken from other sources, and where your own thoughts are. Always make references immediately as you write your work. After a while, go back to the text, and look where or that quote was taken from will be much more difficult.

Double-check your bibliography carefully, at least two times. Very often papers are sent for revision because of incorrect formatting. Try not to use questionable sites and works when writing a term paper. More often refer to scientific literature and electronic catalogs.


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