Why Is It Essential to Acknowledge Academic Sources in Academic Writing?

Citing and documenting sources is essential to avoid plagiarism. It enhances the credibility as a writer and shows the reader that you are serious about your work

Citing and documenting sources is essential to avoid plagiarism. It enhances the credibility as a writer and shows the reader that you are serious about your work. It also suggests that you study the subject in an in-depth manner. The authoritative sources well acknowledge your work.

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Plagiarism is an offence and must be avoided. It can damage the reputation of the writer and lead to severe consequences. A complete citation of sources shows the grader that you are aware of the conversations. It goes on to show your interest level on a particular subject. The reader will be in a position to know more about the subject.

Citation makes it easy for everyone to locate the source. So, the page numbers, titles, authors, publishers, and publication dates should be mentioned. Citing a source should always be done. Any idea, argument, opinion, and data must be carefully acknowledged. When one is dealing with common knowledge citing a source is not required. Marketing coursework help

The internet has made it easier to download and complete papers. The problem is prevalent in college, university, and high school campuses. Students should understand that using undesirable means leads to dishonesty.

A student must stick to the college or universities policy. There can be severe punishments for intentional plagiarism and can cause failing grades or expulsion. Coursework writing services

Sometimes the writers are not aware of the issue related to plagiarism and do not know the importance of citation practices.

Ways to avoid plagiarism:

Make a note of the sources while you research and keep track of the content to be used. All the interviews, surveys, photographs, drawings, e-mails, and conversations should be logged for reference.

The author, title, date of publication, the publisher should be recorded.

Due to the proliferation of online and electronic tools, we can easily keep track of the research and the task of recording.

In any writing, avoiding plagiarism and acknowledging external sources is essential. Following the guidelines will make you a more competent and professional writer.


Reference- https://anynote.co/read-blog/6926