The impact of chcdiv002 promote aboriginal from andor torres strait islander cultural-safety

The majority of the aboriginals from the Andor Torres Strait do not live in their homeland anymore. Three-fourths of their population reside in cities, urban areas or the rural countryside.

The impact of chcdiv002 promote aboriginal from andor torres strait islander cultural-safety

The majority of the aboriginals from the Andor Torres Strait do not live in their homeland anymore. Three-fourths of their population reside in cities, urban areas or the rural countryside. Although the aboriginals now have access to chcdiv002 solutions to education and employment, they are still under severe poverty and high unemployment rates.   

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  1. Education– Non-indigenous students older than 15 years to complete their 12th standard stood around 46% from major cities and 35% from remote locations. In contrast, the number varied from 25% in those cities and 8% in remote locations for aboriginal or indigenous students.



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  1. Remaining in schools– As per chcdiv002 task answers, about 38% of aboriginal students continued their class 12 education against the 76% of non-indigenous students.


  1. Obtaining higher education– The aboriginal people aged between 18 to 24 attended their universities, forming only 5% of their population. In contrast, 23% of non-indigenous people could not do so. About 19,500 indigenous students between 18 to 24 attended high schools in 2001 against 900,000 non-indigenous pupils of similar age.


  1. Employability and income– About 52% of the aboriginal people from 15 years were in the labour force against 63% of the net population for the same group.


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  1. Unemployment– Indigenous adults that were unemployed included about 20%. The scores for non-indigenous stood around 7.2%. The rate increased since 1994 with 27.8% of indigenous employment and lasted till 2000 (17.6% unemployment rate).


  1. CDEP 1996 Impact– CDEP or Community Development Employment Project was established for the indigenous or aboriginal group. If the CDEP participants are considered unemployed, it can raise the indigenous unemployment rate. About 7% of the indigenous or aboriginal people took part in CDEP with a minimum age of 15 years.


  1. Income– The aboriginal people had a weekly average household income of $364. It was 62%of the non-indigenous income of $585.

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The Andor Torres Strait islands contain around 4500 people on the census of 2016. About 50.8% were male, and 49.2% were female. The system of schools and educations are poor in comparison to other locations. However, rising development projects chcdiv002 task answers aim to change these conditions.



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