Female personal trainer near me

Milenik is one of the best fitness training centres near you. Where, we provide you to perfect female personal fitness trainer near you in the inner west.

Female personal trainer near me

Milenik is one of the best fitness training centres near you. Where, we provide you to perfect female personal fitness trainer near you in the inner west.

Website: - https://milenik.com.au

Sydney's Leading Mobile Personal Training Outdoor Fitness

Milenik’s methods are rooted in the holistic approach to achieving specific goals, through the proper management of lifestyle, diet, and exercise. By building a foundation of strength, all other physical trials in life will be met with greater ease and thus cultivates a greater independence. Strength will aid not only in performance in everyday tasks but also help keep you injury free, increase recovery, and reinvigorate your vitality and purpose. The balance in synergies of these life enhancing pillars is the foundation for long term health and well-being. Our ultimate aim is to meet you where you are, help you define and fine-tune your personal goals, and then ensure you are healthy enough to fulfil them.

Qualified experts in integrated health fitness

Start With An Assessment

Our thorough FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT is required prior to starting a 1:1 coaching plan. Within the assessment our coaches will evaluate your mobility, movement, and motor control. Depending on your goals, additional evaluations are available for body composition, posture, and athletic performance. Based on your unique needs, we meet you where you are at, creating a personalized experience that takes from the top tiered assessments in the fitness industry.

Add: - Barnstaple Rd, Five Dock NSW 2046

Phone: - 0423407383