Five Essential Steps For Writing A Movie Review

From the story, acting, dialogue delivery to the colour palette and direction, you need to evaluate every single factor in the movie. Here are the five essential steps for writing a movie review.

Being an actor, movie buff or filmmaker is one thing. Being a movie reviewer, however, is an entirely different thing. It requires you to think critically assignment help about every element in the movie. From the story, acting, dialogue delivery to the colour palette and direction, you need to evaluate every single factor in the movie. Here are the five essential steps for writing a movie review.



    1. Watch the movie at least once



 Writing a movie review isn’t about assignment help sydney rewriting the summary that you found on the Internet. It is about discussing the movie in your own words and voice. And you need to watch the movie at least once to provide an in-depth review of the movie. Take notes while you watch the movie. It will help you refer to your reactions and in-the-moment thoughts.



    1. Consider your audience



Before writing the review, you need to consider your audience. company law case study help Are you writing for a national news outlet or a teen magazine, or for the semester at college? In the case of the latter, you know your audience is professors. So, you need to follow your university guideline while writing the review.



    1. Convey your opinions in your own words



What do you think about the movie? Your professors or your readers would want to know. And to answer that, you need to watch the movie. First, convey what exactly you felt about the movie. Second, explain why you felt a certain way about the movie. For instance, let’s say you find the movie predictable. So, compare other similar movies and explain how it is predictable.



    1. Support your criticism



You can’t just write blatantly what you feel about the movie and expect your readers to believe you. Often, readers rely on movie reviews to decide whether or not to spend time and money on a specific movie. So, Dissertation Methodology Help  you need to support your criticism using specifics such as performance, plot, cinematography, etc.



    1. Study the actor’s portfolios



Most casual filmgoers usually want to see a movie because their favourite actors are in it. You should spend considerable time studying the actor’s portfolio in the movie. Is it a new role for the actor? How did he perform? Discuss all these factors related to all the main actor’s roles as shown in the movie.


The structure of a movie review is usually set by your university. So, consult with your professors or look at samples Essay writer  if you aren’t aware of the guidelines. Read other reviews to get the drill even better.