Time And Attendance Systems Provide Essential Security Data

The original driver behind the installation of a brand new time and attendance system may be the administration sector.

Administration require an archive of who has attended the workplace, and when. This data is used in payroll calculations either automatically or through data capture and transfer. But also for security officers, time and attendance systems offer both security and health and safety benefits.

This is very beneficial in a multi-tiered access situation where for example, security and senior management require access to any or all areas at all times, research staff need to gain access to secure areas such as for example laboratories or work rooms and administration staff require use of general areas and their workplace. Enough time and attendance system could be easily configured to permit access for individuals only for their designated work areas.

With a pass-back system requiring the token to permit access and egress, even when an unauthorized individual has gained use of the secure area by following and authorized person, they cannot leave with no token. The token can be quite a swipe card, proximity fob or fingerprint recognition biometric system. Lightning Protection Supplier in Bangladesh

The latter may be the more secure because it can not be lost, stolen, forged or Buddied, that is to express, passed to an unauthorized individual. Modern biometric systems scan the sub-dermal ridges of a fingerprint, thus making them spoof proof and permitting acceptance through dust, grease, paint or latex work gloves in just about any light conditions and in just about any weather.