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Good news! You can now access the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) application form to start completing the 2021 grant year applications.
From 2021/2020 EMDG application processed has been changed. Please check the below
What is Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)?
The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Scheme is the Australian Government’s principal financial assistance program for exporters. EMDG has operated since 1974/75 and is administered by Austrade. It is designed to encourage small and medium sized Australian exporters to promote themselves overseas, to develop export markets for eligible products substantially of Australian origin.
EMDG provides a partial reimbursement (of up to 50%) of money spent during the financial year on specific export promotional activities, for all overseas markets except New Zealand, Iran and North Korea. Accounting bookkeeping services


Australian individuals, partnerships, companies, associations, co-operatives, statutory corporations or trusts, carrying on export business in Australia during the year that have:
› Carried on business in Australia
› Promoted the export of goods
› Promoted the delivery of services outside Australia
› Promoted certain services in Australia to non-residents
› Promoted inbound tourism
› Promoted the export of intellectual property and know-how outside Australia
› An income of less than $50 million for the year
› Spent at least $15,000 on eligible export promotional activities. Bookkeeping services in Sydney


Eligible products substantially of Australian origin, comprising:
Exported goods;
Most non-tourism services delivered to foreign residents;
Tourism services;
Intellectual property;


Overseas Representation:

Costs of maintaining long-term marketing representation. Expenses include salaries or retainers, office rent, travel and accommodation, communications, entertainment, advertising, and office expenses. No commissions! Maximum of $200,000 per EMDG claim. Best Accountants in Sydney

Consultant Fees:

Costs (fees and expenses) of retaining an arm’s length consultant to undertake export market research or marketing activities. A limit of $50,000 per EMDG claim.

Marketing Visits:

Costs of travel, including airfares, taxis, hire cars, departure taxes, travel insurance, visa fees.
An allowance of $350 per working day overseas for accommodation, living entertainment.

Free Samples:

Factory, freight and other costs of providing free samples to non-residents. Expenses under the free sample category are
capped at A$15,000 per application. Payroll companies sydney

Trade Fairs:

Costs of trade fairs, seminars, private exhibitions, in-store promotion, and international forums.

Promotional Literature Advertising:

External costs of promotional material, such as brochures, videos, websites and advertising.

Overseas Buyers:

Transport, accommodation and meal costs for visiting overseas buyers (existing or potential), up to $7,500 per individual and $45,000 per claim. Virtual cfo services

Patent Trademark Registration:

Costs of granting, registering extending patents and trademark rights for eligible IP, and insurance to protect the rights, limited to $50,000 per claim.


Capital costs
Non promotional costs
Expenses subject to reimbursement
Commissions or discounts
Most Australian taxes and levies
Expenses relating to illegal activities or X-rated material
Expenses relating to trade with New Zealand , Iran and North Korea
Sales, after-sales or product development costs
Registering IP rights in Australia, North Korea or New Zealand, or in Iran up to and including 17 January 2016
Registering business, company or domain names (unless they meet the requirements or the Trade Marks Act 1995)
Defending infringements against the registration of your intellectual property
In-house expenses, such as salary of your employees
Registering IP rights where the IP is not eligible
Intellectual property under Section 26 of the EMDG Act 1997
Any portion of insurance premiums paid for protection under Australian law
Any portion of costs that are for other insurances, such as product liability
Any costs for intellectual property that has been licensed to an Australian resident.


50% reimbursement of eligible expenses exceeding $5,000, up to a potential maximum annual grant of $150,000, subject to available funds. Exporters can receive up to eight grants. Related companies are limited to $250,000 per annum for the group. There is a minimum grant of $5,000. An export performance test applies after two grants, providing incentive to increase export sales. IT contractor payroll companies

Grants in excess of a base amount, currently $40,000, may be scaled back, depending upon available funds at year-end. Emdg grant


**** Claim forms must be lodged by 30 November
**** Once lodged, claims can only be increased by 10%.
**** Keep organised records and documents.
**** Early lodgement, faster payment.

This information is provided as a guide and should not be used without obtaining specialist advice.

EMDG from 1 July 2021
The EMDG program now provides upfront funding certainty so you know how much you will receive over the life of your grant agreement (2 or 3 years) and you can plan your promotional activities with confidence. Business registration service australia

Types of grants
Small to medium enterprise (SME) exporters can apply for 3 different grants over 8 years (not necessarily consecutively) for eligible promotional activities.

Grants are available in 3 stages, called tiers. Each tier provides a different level of support to SMEs as they grow their export markets:

Tier 1: Ready to export

First time exporters
Maximum 2 years and maximum $40,000 per financial year
Tier 2: Expanding

Expanding your export promotion activities
Maximum 3 years and maximum $80,000 per financial year
Tier 3: Expanding and strategic shift

Expanding your export promotion activities AND making a strategic shift, for example targeting a new market or a new type of customer
Maximum 3 years and maximum $150,000 per financial year
Representative body

Maximum 3 years
Maximum $150,000 per financial year
Process for receiving a grant
You apply for a grant before you spend money on promotional activities.
Once all applications have been assessed, Austrade offers a grant agreement to each eligible applicant.
You enter into a grant agreement with Austrade. You then undertake your promotional activities as agreed in the grant agreement.
You request milestone payments in accordance with your grant agreement.
Your grant agreement will set out when your milestone payments should be made and what you need to do to receive these payments.
Application dates
You can apply for a grant under the EMDG program for eligible expenses incurred from 1 July 2021.

Grant applications open between 9am AEST on 16 August and close 5pm AEDT on 30 November 2021.

Application period
In the first year, the application period is 3.5 months with a new, simplified application process. This will allow applicants time to understand the new program. Austrade will review this process once complete and adjust it for future rounds if needed. The timing of payments is determined by your grant agreement. You must provide us with a milestone report as set out in your grant agreement before we make a milestone payment. Contractor payroll solutions

Once all applications have been received, Austrade will calculate the distribution of available funds for all eligible applications. Following assessment, if you are eligible, you will receive a grant agreement that will tell you how much your grant is for. Your obligation is to match, at a minimum, the dollar value of the grant monies you receive.

Who is eligible?
To be eligible

you need to have a turnover of less than $20 million for financial year 2020–21
you must be an Australian person within the meaning of the EMDG Rules,
you must have an Australian Business Number.
Eligible products
EMDG grant funds must be used for promotional activities to market eligible products in foreign countries, or for training activities to develop skills in such marketing.

To be an eligible product, your product(s) must be of substantially Australian origin and be:

intellectual property or know-how
Eligible expenses
The EMDG grant is provided for expenses in one or more of the following categories, as detailed in the EMDG Guidelines

maintaining a representative in a foreign country
short trips to a foreign country
engaging a consultant to undertake research or promotional activities
short trips within Australia
foreign buyer visits
soliciting for business in foreign country
providing free samples
producing and providing promotional and advertising material
intellectual property rights
if you are a Tier 1 applicant, obtaining export readiness training.
You must have a designated connection to the eligible product for your promotional activity expenses to be eligible. For most grantees, the designated connection will be that you own the product. Other types of designated connection relationships differ depending on the type of product you are marketing.

Plan to market
Your plan to market could be:

A one-page statement
A strategic roadmap for marketing
Any other internal planning document
It should explain:

why you are undertaking the proposed marketing
what business goals you are seeking to achieve through your marketing
how you will measure success
your overall budget for each financial year
where and what customers or demographic your marketing is targeting
what marketing activities you will undertake – this could be as detailed or as strategic as you like.


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