Top Reasons To Stay In Luxury Accommodation Over Hotel During Holiday

Looking for breathtaking views? Look no further than Queenstown Luxury Property Management. Situated on the shores of stunning Lake Wakatipu, our apartments offer panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains.

luxury accommodation queenstown

The luxury accommodation queenstown industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. The number of travelers has increased over the years and with this, the number of hotels that have opened their doors to accommodate these travellers has also increased significantly. 

However, there are still many travelers who prefer staying in luxurious accommodation rather than a conventional hotel room.

  • Spacious living

There's something about staying in a homely environment that makes you feel like you're on vacation. From the spacious living areas and open plan layout, to the furniture and decor, luxury accommodation queenstown  have been designed to make you feel relaxed from the moment you step through their doors.

In addition to this, these accommodations often offer a separate bedroom and bathroom so there's no need for multiple rooms with limited privacy. This can be particularly useful if travelling with friends or family members who may want some time away from one another!

Finally, private outdoor space is also something that hotel rooms tend not to offer but many luxury villas do - enjoy sunset drinks overlooking the water or waking up with views of mountains beyond your window!

  • Stylish indoor-outdoor living space

Not only can you enjoy a luxury accommodation, but it is also a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. All rooms in luxury accommodation have an indoor-outdoor living space that allows you to combine the best of both worlds. 

You will find lounging areas, dining areas, and kitchens that all open up to the outdoors so that you can spend time enjoying the view while sitting or eating in your room. 

This makes it easy for guests who want to feel at home and those who want something more luxurious than a hotel room without paying too much more money.

  • Personal service and privacy

If privacy is your main concern, luxury accommodation queenstown is for you. The staff is there to serve you, but they do not hover over your shoulder or make you feel like they are watching everything that you are doing. They understand that some people want to be left alone while others enjoy interacting with others on their trip.


You can do what you want when you want to do it. No one is looking over your shoulder, or knocking on your door at 7 a.m., asking if they can clean the washroom for you (no thanks!).

luxury accommodation queenstown


The luxury accommodation queenstown nz has become a popular choice for many families who want to spend their holidays in style. The modern amenities, spacious indoor-outdoor living spaces and personal service offered at these resorts make it an ideal destination for travellers. 

These properties are also eco-friendly as they use renewable energy sources like solar power to keep their guests comfortable all year round.

Source : Top Reasons To Stay In Luxury Accommodation Over Hotel During Holiday