Everything You Need To Know About Fire Blankets

Our country deals with more fires than anywhere else in the world. Fire safety is for everyone There are various types of fire protection equipment that are used for various types of fires. One such type of fire protection equipment is fire blankets. Fire blankets are used for smothering f

Our country deals with more fires than anywhere else in the world. Fire safety is for everyone There are various types of fire protection equipment that are used for various types of fires. One such type of fire protection equipment is fire blankets. Fire blankets are used for smothering fires by depriving it of oxygen. Fire Blankets are non-flammable and can easily withstand a temperature of up to 900F. A fire blanket is something that can be used by people who do not have much experience with fire extinguishers. The best place to use a fire blanket is in the kitchen where there are chances of Class F fires that are caused due to cooking oil.


How to use a Fire Blanket?

5 steps need to be followed while using a fire blanket

Step 1 – Removing the blanket correctly from its packaging.

A fire blanket is packaged in a small bag with two tabs hanging down. All you need to do is draw on these tabs swiftly and the blanket will be discharged, giving you quick access to the fire blanket in case of a fire emergency.

Step 2 – Protect Your Handing Using Fire Blanket

Flames can injure your fingers too. It is therefore important to protect them first. The best way to do this by putting your palms under the corners of the blanket. If you have retardant gloves, then they are your best option too.

Step 3 – Placing the blanket

No matter how big of a basketball fan you are but you need to place the blanket over the fire instead of tossing it towards the fire. Start from the inner sides and draw the blanket near.

Step 4 – Switch off the heat source

The common sources of a household fire are caused by the oven, stove burner or space heater. If any of these are on, they turned to be turned off immediately.

Step 5 – Keep the blanket right in place

To make sure that the blanket has exhausted the fire source, it is important to keep the blanket in the same place for a few minutes. It would also take some time for the blanket to cool down. If you attempt to hold the blanket before it cools down there are chances you could burn your fingers severely.

Why trust Victorian Fire Protection?

At VFP, we provide fire blankets that comply with Australian Standard AS 2444. We provide our fire blankets in the following sizes

  • 1 m x 1.1 m
  • 2 m x 1.2 m
  • 8 m x 1.2 m
  • 8 m x 1.8 m

For the Victorian Fire Protection team, our major priority is safety. Today, the time is challenging with the spread of COVID-19 and we are committed to stopping this spread by following various procedures. Some of our procedures are as under:

  • Our delivery personals wear disposable gloves for every delivery. Each glove is safely disposed of after every delivery.
  • All our employees and team use sanitizers and avoid shaking hands.

We are available on call throughout the difficult time.