How to defend a term paper: 4 rules for perfect term paper defense

When both the speech and the presentation are ready, it is worth rehearsing the defense of the term paper several times.

We continue our guide series in cooperation with experts at "" on how to defence your diploma.

Rehearse your defense

When both the speech and the presentation are ready, it is worth rehearsing the defense of the term paper several times. This is especially important for shy people who are afraid to speak in public. You can rehearse alone, with a recording on the camera, in front of family or friends - whatever you like. The recording will help you to look at yourself from the outside (you may need to work on your posture or diction), and the “commission” of your grandmother and younger brother may ask unexpected questions. This will help you not to get confused on the real defense of the coursework and give an answer as soon as the question was asked. Most often, a couple of rehearsals are enough - taking into account the fact that you are well versed in the topic of the term paper, or at least have learned a prepared speech.

Think ahead of audience questions

By the way, about the questions. On defense, the help of classmates may be useful to you. Prepare a few questions in advance on the topic of your work and hand out to several classmates to ask them after the talk. You will answer them with pre-prepared answers, and this may be quite enough for the commission.

Be polite

If the teacher's question or remark does not seem adequate to you, you do not need to talk about it honestly. You should be especially careful in a situation if you had a conflict with someone from the commission during your studies. In these cases, it is better to thank for the criticism, promise to improve and accurately explain why you came to this or that result. The main thing is that it doesn't look like an excuse.

Follow the rules

  • You should not come to the defense of the term paper in sloppy clothes, even if in pairs no one paid attention to your appearance.
  • If your university has a tradition to set up a table with snacks and water for the commission on the defense of coursework, as in the defense of a diploma, you should take care of this in advance. If it is not there, but your group really wants it, be prepared that not all teachers may approve of it.
  • You should not argue aggressively with teachers if your coursework is defended in the form of a discussion if you don't want to buy an argumentative essay twice. In any case, they understand the subject better (and if this is not the case, it will still not work to convince them). You risk the assessment not only of your own, but also of all your classmates who will perform after you.

Take care of your well-being

There are some simple rules here:

  • It is better to get some sleep than to read the text once again the day before.
  • A hearty breakfast will give you strength and good mood.
  • A cool shower and a walk will help you to cheer up if you still don't get enough sleep.
  • If your anxiety makes you feel worse, take the necessary medications.
  • Alcohol can help you relax after, not before protection. Otherwise, it is fraught with decreased concentration, incorrect behavior, and subsequently - a bad attitude of teachers.

What to do if the defense is unsuccessful

It can usually be retaken in the next semester. If it's not a matter of principle for you to have a scholarship, there are no problems at all - you just try to defend your coursework again after the holidays. Most likely, these will be more lenient conditions - without an official surrender and a huge commission.

If you need to keep the scholarship, the problem will have to be solved on an individual basis. Check with your supervisor on how to defend your coursework prior to the session. Often, teachers are quite loyal to these types of work and are accommodating to students. Sometimes they give a grade for coursework retroactively for other achievements - conferences, internships, assistance at the department. It is better to resolve these issues as soon as the need arose.

Overwhelmed exchange rate protection is not fatal. Because of this, no one will expel you from the university. In terms of importance, it is somewhere on the level of ordinary tests - in some universities, the debt can drag on for a couple of years and only emerge before a diploma. But even it is advisable to hand over it on time so that by the end of the studies you do not accumulate a critical amount of debts. And if the preparation of the coursework is still in progress and you need help, the specialists of writing services will be happy to help with writing an essay. With our advice, you will definitely cope.

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