PEAL And DRAPES Methods Of Writing Essays

Are you hard having a hard time writing your essay? Do you often look for an essay writer to write your paper? Have you ever wondered what techniques essay writers use to develop your essay? Most writers follow the standard guidelines and use the PEAL and DRAPES technique to design your paper. Let’s take a look at how these writers use the methods. 


Standard techniques:


  • Experts of academic essay writing services select a relevant topic in line with the field of interest. 
  • They list the significant ideas and create a blueprint for elaborate writing.
  • They make concise introductions. 
  • Essay writers arrange the paragraphs clearly, expressing the thoughts with factual information sticking to the primary concepts. 
  • Finally, they wrap up the points in the conclusion.


Upon using the basic guidelines, the experts apply the PEAL technique


PEAL technique:


Essay writers of academic assignment writing service use the PEAL technique to make the document engaging, persuasive, entertaining and unparallel. PEARL stands for:


P – Purpose: The objective of the essay. The writers highlight the essential details in the writing that showcase the purpose of essay writing.


E – Explanation: The description of the thoughts. how the writers justify their views with suitable proofs


A – Analysis: Investigation of the contents and its justifications. It is a thorough examination of the possible arguments contradicting personal judgments.


L – Link: The synergy between the paragraphs. It means that the essay should read like a story. It must be based on one idea, and topic and not separate thoughts put together.


The DRAPES method of essay writing:


Subject matter experts of academic writing services use the DRAPES method of essay writing to carry on with the essay planning and develop concepts for the content without any complexity. Experts explain DRAPES as:


D – Dialogue: Random use of direct quotes to express a point of view. However, experts are aware of not using too many quotes in the document. They prefer a ratio of 25% quotes in the entire document


R – Rhetorical question: The question based on the topic asked the essay readers, especially at the beginning of the text.


A – Analogy: The figure of the speech they use in the content


P – Personal experience: How the essay writers express the personal experience in the essay in two or three lines with an additional quote.


E – Examples: How the experts incorporate the examples that reflect the main idea of the essay 


S – Statistics: When, where and how much to use the digits, percentages and graphs.


Every assignment expert has a specific cheap essay writing service style; however, most essay writers use the PEAL and DRAPES technique to build the essay. Discussed above are the ways how the writers use the method.