Ted Bundy - Quotes

Quotes Out LoudPcychos Series presentsTed Bundy(Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud)Music by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.auI'm the most cold-hearted so...

Ted Bundy - Quotes

Quotes Out LoudPcychos Series presentsTed Bundy(Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud)Music by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.auI'm the most cold-hearted so...

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Quotes Out Loud
Pcychos Series presents
Ted Bundy
(Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud)

Music by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.au

I'm the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you'll ever meet.

I have known people who ... radiate vulnerability .... Their facial expressions say 'I am afraid of you.' These people invite abuse ... By expecting to be hurt, do they subtly encourage it?

The ultimate possession was, in fact, the taking of the life. And then … the physical possession of the remains

Guilt. It's this mechanism we use to control people. It's an illusion. It's a kind of social control mechanism and it's very unhealthy. It does terrible things to our body

Murder is not just a crime of lust or violence. It becomes possession.

They are part of you … the victim becomes a part of you, and you two are forever one … and the grounds where you kill them or leave them become sacred to you, and you will always be drawn back to them

You're like a fisherman who fishes for years and catches a small fish. Sometimes a medium fish. You get lucky and get a big fish. But you know that there's a real big fish under there that always gets away.

You and your group are going to get a lot of serial killers and they're going to help you. But with the real good ones, the only way you're going to know what goes on under the water is to go under the water. The fisherman drowns going underwater. But I can take you there without drowning. If I trust you. And if I decide

No man is truly innocent. I mean we all have transgressed some way in our lives and as I say, I've been impolite and there are things I regret having done in my life
Sure, I get angry. I get very, very angry and indignant. I don't like being locked up for something I didn't do, and I don't like my liberty taken away, and I don't like being treated like an animal, and I don't like people walking around and ogling me like I'm some sort of weirdo, because I'm not.

When you feel the last bit of breath leaving their body, you're looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God