Things About Plagiarism Every Parent Should Know

If a student is using data from external sources like articles, journals, books, newspapers, and magazines, it can still be identified as plagiarism unless he/she cites the sources with proper measures.

In today’s busy lifestyle, working parents rarely have time to focus on their children’s studies or provide them with assignment help. And as the students solve their History homework without any supervision, they tend to take shortcuts, which allow them to finish the tasks faster. However, some of these shortcuts do not comply with academic ethics. Plagiarism happens to be on the top of the list. And as a parent, you need to be aware of certain things about harvard referencing.

  1. What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the practice of copying someone else’s work and claiming it as your own. It basically beats the whole point of evaluating the student’s knowledge and understanding of the topic. Besides, using someone’s work without giving proper acknowledgement to the author is unethical. That is why plagiarism is considered unethical in every industry and profession.

  1. Plagiarism can get your child expelled:

If your child is found submitting plagiarized content in the class, he/she is likely to face some serious consequences for the action. In the past few years, a majority of the academic institutes around the world have adopted a strict policy against the practice of plagiarism. And in most cases, if a student is found with plagiarized content, he/she may face suspension, deduction of marks and even expulsion. So, make sure your children do not plagiarize their annotated bibliography .

  1. The use of external references can also be identified as plagiarism:

 While drafting an assignment or dissertation, students will require evidence to support their claims and arguments. They are allowed to use external references as long as they perform proper citation of the sources. Encourage your children to learn the citation guidelines.

  1. It is easy to identify traces of plagiarism in a paper:

If a student is sceptical about the originality of the paper, he/she can always get it checked before submitting it in the class. There are plenty of plagiarism checker tools on the internet that can help identify the traces of plagiarism in a jiffy. If you don’t want your child to face serious consequences for unintentional plagiarism, it is advised to use an authentic plagiarism checker to check whether the paper is original or has any pieces of plagiarized content in it.

In conclusion,

It is important to encourage your child to prepare academic papers from scratch with the help of gpa calculator . That way, he/she is more likely to produce proofread original content and stay away from getting into any serious academic mess.

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