List of water microbiology tests at Pasteur Institute

Water microbiological testing is very important in water quality assessment . Below is the latest updated list of water microbiological tests at the Pasteur Institute by Scimitar.

Instructions on the process of taking samples for water microbiology testing

Prepare: 2 bottles of clean water with a capacity of 1.5 L (special bottles containing water samples for testing or buy large water bottles Aquafina/Dasani), medical alcohol, medical cotton, gloves, air disinfectant spray, Dark nylon bag.

Wear the mask; disinfect hands, faucet mouth with medical alcohol, let dry; Air disinfectant spray.
Drain the water from the faucet for at least 3 minutes.

If using an Aquafina/Dasani water bottle, pour the water in the 2 bottles into another large bottle, you can save it for later to reduce waste.

Rinse the water bottle with the water to be tested 2-3 times. Take the water to be tested into the bottle. Continue to rinse the cap with the water to be tested 2-3 times and close the bottle tightly. Seal the bottle.

Smoothly paste on the bottle. Information to be written on the label: customer name and address, sample name, sampling time.

Put the water bottle sample in a dark plastic bag (to avoid light shining on the bottle during transportation). home water purifier price in bangladesh

Send samples at Pasteur Institute or other testing centers
Bring the prepared sample to the Pasteur Institute (Physicochemical - Microbiological Laboratory) or testing center
Fill in the test request form with customer information, sample information, etc. The information on the result sheet is the information you filled in when sending the sample, so please pay attention in this step to avoid errors.
Pay the test fee and get an appointment letter to return the results.
Get results
On the appointment day, you take the appointment letter to receive the result sheet at the Pasteur Institute / Testing Center.
The time to return results at the Pasteur Institute is 7 days for physico-chemical indicators, 7 days for microbiological criteria and 14 days for both physico-chemical and microbiological indicators.