What Is Statement of Work

Would anyone tell a contractor to build a house and then walk away to let him do it as he pleases? Probably not. Most people would at the very least specify the how, where, when, and cost. Professional projects are no different.

Then comes the question of what is SOW (statement of work) of any given project or assignment. Few of us get along that SOW is the same as the scope of work. The statement of work (SOW) in an RFP or RFQ defines a project’s goals, deliverables and performance criteria. A scope of work (SOW), included in the statement of work, describes the specific tasks the contractor will perform to meet objectives. In a freelance marketplace for telecom engineers, Statement of Work (SOW) holds of paramount importance so as to comprehend better before initiation.

Now that we’ve answered the question of what is SOW, it’s time to discuss the objective. The objective, or scope statement, clearly identifies the project’s objective and purpose. Think about how the project was initiated, who it benefits, what purpose it serves, why it’s needed, and when it needs to be ready for utilization? Asking all the pertinent who, what, when, and how questions can help determine each objective goal and end result in order to formulate a comprehensive scope statement. This will define what work is to be done and by whom. It will also define what constitutes success and failure of the project.

Still asking yourself “What is SOW exactly? The Scope of Work (SOW) is a tool that allows the business of all sizes, calibers, and niches from telecommunications to construction to communicate such vital business details with employees, vendors, contractors, and freelance workers.

‍Statement of work and scope of work, both commonly abbreviated as SOW, are often confused, interchanged terms. And, as straightforward as each sound, they’re often anything but easy to write. Make it too vague and broad and it leaves room for interpretation error; make it too convoluted with detail and it leaves room for the reader to get confused and distracted. Either case can lead to fiscal, safety, efficiency, and legal woes, especially when freelance workers are involved.

More info: sow full form