What is Phishing?

Phishing Explained – What is Phishing? How it works & How to prevent it | Attack techniques & Scam ExamplesIn this episode we are going to talk about Phishin...

What is Phishing? - Phishing Explained – What is Phishing? How it works How to prevent it | Attack techniques Scam ExamplesIn this episode we are going to talk about Phishin...

Phishing Explained – What is Phishing? How it works How to prevent it | Attack techniques Scam Examples

In this episode we are going to talk about Phishing. Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. It's one of the oldest types of cyberattacks, dating back to the 1990s, and it's still one of the most widespread and pernicious, with phishing messages and techniques becoming increasingly sophisticated. According to research, including the 2019 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, nearly a third of all breaches involved phishing. For cyber-espionage attacks, that number jumps to 78%. The worst phishing news is that its perpetrators are getting much, much better at it thanks to well-produced, off-the-shelf tools and templates.

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