Swimwear start-up brand -- Swimwear market

Water is people's favorite, whether survival or entertainment, can not do without. The most prosperous places in the world, on rivers and by the sea, all have big cities. People like water and play and exercise near water. Swimwear becomes more important, just like everyday wear. Now

Water is people's favorite, whether survival or entertainment, can not do without. The most prosperous places in the world, on rivers and by the sea, all have big cities. People like water and play and exercise near water. Swimwear becomes more important, just like everyday wear. Nowadays, swimsuit manufacturers especially design swimsuits with various needs in mind, both in terms of style and cost.

Market growth

With the increasing demand for high performance swimwear, the overall swimwear market has greatly improved. While Europe and the United States lead the swimwear market, Asia's unprecedented growth and the Pacific region is driving the swimwear boom.

According to a survey conducted in Europe, 63 percent of swimwear is used for leisure activities and the remaining 37 percent is used for sporting purposes. Women make up 54 percent of sales, men 29 percent and children 17 percent. Men are more price-sensitive than women, choosing function first, but increasingly emphasizing aesthetics. Men spend an average of 21.40 euros on a swimsuit. Women are interested in comfort, but aesthetics, fit and "I'm worth it" factors also play a key role, paying an estimated 27.2 euros for these purposes. Women over 45 are the biggest spenders, paying 31 euros on average. By country/region, German women hand out the most of their swimsuits (31.6 euros), followed by Italy (30.5 euros), France (28.3 euros), then Spain (23.4 euros), and finally the UK, where women spend an average of only 18 dollars. Sales in France are stable, while those in Italy are falling. Markets are growing in Spain, Germany and the UK.

Europe and the United States dominate the international swimwear and beachwear market, as described in the new market research report. Key factors involved in swimwear and the beachwear market include relaxed dress codes, body awareness and interest care, social mobility and better output delivery in the textile industry. This emerging economic zone such as Southeast Asia and China will better support the potential market for the growth of the swimwear market. Western swimwear habits are becoming popular in developing countries. With the popularity of swimming as a leisure activity and the growing demand for innovative products such as UV protection swimsuits and warmth swimsuits. Swim Shorts Supplier

While the swimwear market in the United States of America rose 6% to $4.40 between June 2013 and May 2014, the majority of growth in this segment came from Asia. Most developing countries in Asia are experiencing a shift in demand for consumer goods. Customers in these countries are willing to buy luxury brands for swimwear. Growth in the swimwear market is backed by Southeast Asia and China.

Currently, The European market, together with France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom, accounts for about 70 percent of the region's sales.

The menswear segment of the swimwear market is also on the rise, while women's swimwear continues to account for 70 percent of the market. In the United States of America, women's swimwear sales were up 6%, while men's swimwear sales were up 6% and sales were up 13%. Currently, nearly 34.88% of brands cater to the men's swimsuit segment, while 41.86% have expanded in the children's swimsuit section. kids Swimwear Supplier