Sat test preparation course

We are the best SAT training institute in Dubai. We have qualified trainers who will provide Sat test preparation course to achieve good scores in the SAT test.

Sat test preparation course - We are the best SAT training institute in Dubai. We have qualified trainers who will provide Sat test preparation course to achieve good scores in the SAT test.

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Computer Training Courses

Computer is a must-know in today’s competitive world. Therefore, we at Career Turn have courses that can sharpen your computer skills to help you in various fields. Our trainers will help you throughout the course and make sure you become aware with
the latest IT trends.

Network Administration

Windows Server Administration: Windows Server administration is in high demand in IT industry. It allows you to perform server installation and configuration and other various tasks like virtualization, troubleshooting etc.

Computer Training Courses

Computer is a must-know in today’s competitive world. Therefore, we at Career Turn have courses that can sharpen your computer skills to help you in various fields. Our trainers will help you throughout the course and make sure you become aware with the latest IT trends.

Why this Course: This course enables you to learn how to set up and manage Windows Server. This course covers everything from Active Directory to Networking and file storage.

Network Troubleshooting: This course trains candidates to organize, install, and support an organization’s computer systems, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), network segments, intranets, and other data communication systems.

Programming Languages

We offer training in a variety of programming languages namely Python, JavaScript, C#, PHP, HTML 5, CSS 3. The objective is to prepare the student/learner with the latest technological trends.

MS Office

MS Office is a bankable tool when it comes to office work. This software package has been designed keeping in mind the requirements within any typical organization. This software package includes MS Word (meant for Documentation), MS Excel (meant for Data Manipulation), MS PowerPoint (meant for Presentational Purposes) and many more.

This course is an integral requirement for Administrator, Office Admin, Project Manager, Financial Analysts, Accountant jobs. If you are seeking a career in any organization then having this skill set is a must. This is an important necessity of any workplace.

Enroll for this course at Career Turn Training and Skills Development to give an upward curve to your career. This course constitutes both basic and advanced levels.


IT security is a set of cybersecurity strategies that prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets such as computers, networks, and data. Cybercrime is a common threat these days for companies and people everywhere. So, a basic knowledge of the same would be a good solution for people and companies.


Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. This course is designed for people interested in creativity and drawings. It is advantageous for people opting it as a career or for students who have chosen this as a subject

Contact Us

Postal Address: Saheel-01, Office No-1105,Al Nahda-01, Qusais, Dubai UAE
Phone: +97142696988
Whatsapp: +971549940496