What Is Distributor ERP?

ERP represents enterprise resource planning. It's a software arrangement made to help you manage your business.

What's more, perhaps, similarly as significant: what's the difference between your average, everyday ERP and an industry-specific distributor ERP?

ERP represents enterprise resource planning. It's a software arrangement made to help you manage your business.

An answer integrates all areas of your operations: financials, correspondence with suppliers and customers, EDI, warehousing, examination, demand planning, bringing in, transportation — and so on, there's a spot for it in your ERP.

A ton of providers have individual answers to help you manage each of these departments independently.

There's software for accounting, purchasing software for human resource activities, and software for production network management.

The main problem with these extra arrangements is there's no single source of truth. That is what an integrated distributor ERP provides.

Presently, a distribution-specific ERP gives you those same things we mentioned above. It provides you with the exact things a generic ERP does.

Just it gives you more. It is an answer designed specifically to meet the needs and demands of your industry and your vertical inside that industry.

As distributors, you have to manage things that, say, a discrete manufacturer will not have to.

So it wouldn't be super beneficial to work with the same software. Rather, you need an answer that was designed considering your business.

ERP purchasing software manages delivery and transportation logistics, helps forecast item demand, upholds on-time, in-full (OTIF) requirements, tracks inventory levels, offers worked-in EDI services, and enables you to calculate true landed costs.

The right Distributor ERP additionally handles transporting merchandise directly from your supplier to your customer, manages chargebacks, and breaks down your customer allowances, royalties, and commissions — all of which sway your benefit.

It is an answer that all departments use — from sales to warehousing to logistics and accounting — all in an effort to unite data and synchronize your operations.

Distributor ERP ensures your teams work from the same real-time data to make maintaining a successful distribution business a lot easier.

Who Needs a Distribution ERP?

Simply: Anyone who works inside the distributor ERP sector. This could range from food distribution businesses to athletic gear companies to apparel and accessories to housewares and home goods businesses.

This software upholds the business needs of the accompanying industries:

  1.       Wholesalers and Distributors - Between changing customer demands, worldwide market uncertainty, and rising production network costs, there's a ton to manage. Assuming that you're selling to those huge box retailers— you need to be able to effectively handle those shipments. Are they going to distribution centers or directly to the store? Or on the other hand, are you keeping away from the goliaths and on second thought working with smaller, independent retailers? Or on the other hand, are you an outsourcing vendor for eCommerce retailers? Or on the other hand, directly delivering items from the supplier to the retailer? Regardless of your business model, a distribution ERP can supply the help you need.


  1.       Third-party Logistics (3PL) Providers - Because your business relies on empowering e-commerce merchants to accomplish more with less, your operation should be pretty much as efficient as could really be expected. Utilizing technology to automate retailer order fulfillment is your key to success.


  1.       Food Distributors - As a food wholesaler, you need to effectively manage cost-to-serve, fluctuating demand, changes in sales channels, customer time windows, and detailed travel requirements like refrigeration or separation of item types. This is the very thing that you get with a distribution ERP.


However the items between distributor ERP fluctuate, the processes themselves are essentially the same.

The best ERP purchasing software for distributors upholds consignment inventory management; following and forecasting; overseeing units, sets, and assortments; the increased demands of peak season; unanticipated store network interruptions.