Best Ramen in Midtown

In the cuisine culture of Japan rule of five holds importance in cooking. The presentation of food is in five-coloured ingredients and customers get five tastes in every cuisine as five types of cooking techniques are used.

In the cuisine culture of Japan rule of five holds importance in cooking. The presentation of food is in five-coloured ingredients and customers get five tastes in every cuisine as five types of cooking techniques are used. Ichiran the Japanese restaurant in Midtown serves delicious tonkotsu ramen that has milky broth, wheat noodles, pork belly pieces, red sauce, and boiled eggs and a person can customize one's bowl of ramen which can be enjoyed on a solo seat. If you want to relish the best ramen in Midtown, visit the Ichiran restaurant or connect to the website to buy take-home ramen kits and enjoy ramen with family or friends.