Three Notable Features Of A Great Essay

To be a great essay writer, you must know what makes a great essay first.

To be a great essay writer, you must know what makes a great essay first. An essay is where you present your opinion and use evidence to back it up in response to a topic. There are different types of essays. But, all good essays should consist of specific elements. No matter which writing style you are following, make sure your essay consists of the following features:

1. Addresses a topic

Many students often get confused between a subject and a topic in an essay. The subject is simply what the essay is about. And the topic is your perspective related to the subject. The topic is the position you want to take on the subject. You can hire expert essay writers if you find it hard to address your topic initially.

Let’s say the subject of your essay is French Revolution. So, ask yourself the following questions to determine the topic:

· Why did the French Revolution collapse into despotism?

· How did the French Revolution begin?

· How the French Revolution impacted other revolutionary movements?


2. Answers a question

At times, the essay question doesn’t quite look like one. It can also be assigned in the form of instructions. Thus, you have to understand the meaning of the process words to understand how you are supposed to answer the question. The common process words are:

· Outline

· Compare and contrast

· Examine

· Determine

· Evaluate

The purpose of essays is to answer the question. And for that, you must understand what the process words mean. 

You can also read online college essay samples if you can’t get the hang of all the process words.

3. Takes the form of an argument

The arguments you make should address your topic and answer the question. An academic argument consists of three major elements such as:

· A claim that you are arguing for

· A reason to validate or justify the claim

· Evidence and reasoning to link the reason to the claim

Wrapping Up,

All in all, you need to create a clear thesis statement and use logically connected ideas to support the statement. Make sure you use the right pieces of evidence to make your essay stand out from the others.