Laboratory spray dryer: Interesting Features and Applications

Spray Drying is a procedure to use a hot gas drying medium to turn them into powder. Laboratory Spray dryer manufacturers provide various units with attractive features

Spray drying is a continuous one-step unit operation that uses liquid atomization to form droplets dried to particles when passed through a hot gas drying medium. A laboratory spray dryer involves various units like a feed pump, air heater, atomizer, drying chamber, air dispenser, air purification, and powder recovery/separator systems.

Spray drying is a simple and convenient way to make Protein Nanoparticles by turning them to powder. The approach improves nanoparticle physicochemical stability. Spray drying is a one-step procedure that can make a wide range of powders with specific qualities for certain uses. With the help of an atomizer, a polymer is dissolved in a solvent, and tiny droplets of this solution are sprayed out in a heated atmosphere. When these droplets come into contact with a heated surface, the solvent evaporates, and the polymer precipitates as nanopowders.

Spray dryers manufacturers offer spray dryers in several shapes and sizes, each with its own set of capabilities to satisfy a range of spray drying requirements. Spray drying is widely used in food products such as rice protein, starch, molasses, corn syrup, honey, and dairy, and other chemicals and pharmaceuticals.


The spray drying stages of lab spray dryer


Liquid Feed:

The process begins with the suitable liquid feed. Processes and Chemical reactions can be completed in a reaction tank before drying. This is the stage at which the liquid product is processed for drying.


A nozzle or rotary atomizer uses rotation or pressure to transform a liquid feedstock into tiny liquid droplets. The liquid will then be atomized. Many of the final product's desired attributes, like particle size and viscosity, are fine-tuned here.

Drying Process:

Following that is the drying procedure. Hot air is blown upward into the system and commonly used to dry the nanoparticles as the atomized droplets fall the length of the dryer. Because the exposure time is so short, the air is significantly hotter than the temperature felt by the product. The temperature of that hot air is fine-tuned to manage the powder's final moisture content. When the particles hit the bottom of the container, they are converted to a dry powder.

Recovery Process:

A bag filter or cyclone is used to complete the recovery process, which takes only a few seconds.
The final product received after drying in a lab spray dryer is determined by;
• The spray dryer's design and functioning.
• The feed's physicochemical qualities.


Key Benefits of Industrial spray dryers manufacturers in Mumbai


Drying equipment has steadily become more significant in the industrial manufacture of pharmaceuticals, food, and other goods due to rapid economic development.
Due to their numerous advantages, Industrial spray dryers manufacturers in Mumbai are becoming increasingly popular. So, what distinguishes us from others?

Quick-drying time

The laboratory spray dryer sprinkles the provided material into a mist form using special equipment, considerably increasing the surface area to volume ratio and rapid drying speed.
In a short amount of time, a laboratory spray dryer may evaporate more than 95 per cent of water by large-area contact with hot air. It has the properties of quick drying and has a stunning effect.

Simple process flow

The procedure of crushing the product is eliminated since the material is atomized during the lab spray dryer drying process, allowing powdery goods with high particle uniformity to be obtained without crushing and screening. Increase the product's utilization rate and eliminate product loss caused by too many processing stages.


It is critical for industrial production to be able to precisely regulate product manufacturing, which is critical in preventing numerous wasteful production mishaps and difficulties. The spray dryer in the laboratory is relatively controlled. The spray dryer manufacturers in India provide a product that the production team can control according to specific material characteristics, viscosity, particle size, product moisture content requirements, and other factors during food or the production and processing of food or medicine. To produce products that match the standards, it is critical to make planned and purposeful alterations.

Wide usage

Lab spray dryers are continually being reformed and upgraded to cater to market development and manufacturing requirements. The laboratory spray dryer is widely utilized in various fields, including biopharmaceuticals, food, chemistry, and other areas. It has a lot of growth potential, and people are more interested in it.

Constant Improvement

The current state of laboratory spray dryer manufacturing is unsatisfactory, and the industry is continually inventing and developing. Relevant research has never forgotten to create, reform, and seek to approach high-quality, environment-friendly, and high-quality products to respond to the need for "new energy." Strengthen worldwide research results exchange and collaboration, and strive for continual progress.

The significant role of spray dryer manufacturers in India is growing at a tremendous rate. The growth is inline with the growth of the national economy and the continuing rise of industrial output levels. While the spray dryer's development improves, innovation and transformation should be constant to ensure that the new development emerges in the future.