Accredited Employer Work Visa Auckland

We make it easy for you to get your Accredited Employer Work Visa in Auckland, New Zealand. Get assistance with employee visa applications from Counsel One, one of the leading providers of visas for New Zealand residents, workers, visitors, etc.

Accredited Employer Work Visa Auckland - Employers

Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)
Immigration New Zealand mandates accreditation for employers if they wish to hire any migrant workers. During this process three factors will be assessed, namely the employer, the labour market, and the migrant worker. If all three pass evaluation the employer will be able to support employer-assisted work visas.
There are also considerations such as whether an employer should attempt to get accredited at a Standard or High Volume level. A Standard accreditation allows for upto 5 visas per year whereas the High Volume accreditation has no such limitation, however, rules governing the latter are far more exacting.
The above and many other details including new ICT systems are going to comprise the new rules governing employer accreditation which INZ intends to implement in 2022. If you are considering accreditation, please reach out to us and let us help you navigate the new rules and regulations.
As per recent announcement by INZ, new visa applications for accreditation for New Zealand employers will begin from 9 May 2022.

Employers will need to meet minimum standards including:

Have an NZ Business Number, this will enable Immigration NZ to make certain checks with MBIE or through publicly available information.
You must be registered as an employer with Inland Revenue (IRD)
Your business must be in a sound financial position (such as being profitable, having a positive cash flow or access to funding) Businesses operating for less than 12 months must provide evidence they are in a sound financial position
No recent history of regulatory non-compliance
Make a commitment to minimise any risk of migrant worker exploitation
No recent history of non-compliance with employment and immigration laws
To ensure that your workforce needs are not impacted by this new change, pre-plan for the upcoming changes and if you require professional assistance with your accreditation, please contact us.

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Call: 0277666661

Address: 70 Archibald Road, Kelston, Auckland 0602, New Zealand