What Do You Need to Know About a Shariah Advisor?

If you're a Muslim, you may have heard that finding a shariah adviser is important to guide your financial life. But what exactly is a Shariah advisor? And do you need one? This article explains what they do and why they can help you.

If you're a Muslim, you may have heard that finding a shariah adviser is important to guide your financial life. But what exactly is a Shariah advisor? And do you need one? This article explains what they do and why they can help you.

Shariah Advisor

A Shariah advisor is someone who can guide you in understanding and following Islamic law. Shariah advisers do this by giving advice on matters that relate to your personal life, finances, and investments.

Shariah advisors can be people like imams or religious scholars (who are also called shuyukh), as well as lawyers and accountants who have studied Islamic law. 

The most important thing to remember is that the person should be qualified to give you advice on how to live your life according to Islam, so it's best not to use an expert whose knowledge comes only from studying the religion academically.


shariah adviser


What are the Qualities of a Shariah Advisor?

  • Knowledge of the Shariah
  • Knowledge of the specific industry
  • Knowledge of the financial markets
  • Understanding of the legal system and any regulations or compliance issues that may be relevant to your situation. 
  • For example, if you have a halal product and are doing business in a country where it is illegal to sell halal food, then you will need a different Shariah advisor than you would if there were no legal restrictions on producing halal products.
  • This can help build trust in an advisor among clients who may not fully understand what they're getting themselves into when working with someone based thousands of miles away!

What is the Role of the Shariah Advisor?

A Shariah advisor is not a financial advisor. Instead, he or she will help you with Islamic finance products and make sure they are compliant with the principles of sharia.

A shariah advisor may be a certified jurist, but it's also possible that they don't have any credentials (or only have some). That doesn't mean they're less qualified than someone who has certification—it just means that their expertise comes from other sources.

As we mentioned above, there are three main types of Islamic finance advisors: muftis (scholars), qadis (judges), and mudarrisin (teachers). Each one plays an important role in helping create compliant products for customers looking for them:

Muftis - This is probably the most common type of Shariah expert because anyone can become one through education and experience in Islamic law fields. Muftis interpret religious texts to help Muslims understand how their faith should influence their day-to-day lives and make decisions about things like diet, clothing choices, and even banking practices

Resources to Learn About Your Shariah Advisor

  • Find a reputable Islamic institution.
  • Ask about their experience and qualifications, and make sure the shariah advisers are qualified to help you with your specific needs.
  • Look for someone who has a good reputation in the community (and, if possible, ask other people who've worked with them).


We hope that this article has helped you to understand what a Shariah Advisor does and why it is important for you to find one. We also hope that by reading this post, you have found some useful resources for your own research and learning process!