Does Using a Standing Desk All Day Can Count as An Exercise?

As we all know, sitting for long periods of time has been linked to numerous health issues.

As we all know, sitting for long periods of time has been linked to numerous health issues. Lately, though, there has been a lot of talk about what can be done to combat this problem. One solution that many people have taken up is using Standing Desk NZ instead of sitting ones. 

The idea is that you will be more active and less likely to suffer from these problems if you use a standing desk instead of sitting at a normal desk throughout your day.

 However, some people are skeptical about whether or not this can actually count as exercise because standing all day does not burn enough calories to make up for the amount consumed by eating food during the day (and it would be pretty difficult to stand at work all day without any breaks!). 

Using a standing desk all day can count as an exercise

  • Using a standing desk all day can count as an exercise.
  • Standing desks can help you to lose weight, stay in shape and improve your health.
  • If you are wondering whether using a standing desk is good for your health, let's first understand what the research says about sitting time and its effects on our bodies.

The research shows that sitting for extended periods of time can cause health problems. It has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Researchers have found that this is mainly because our bodies were not designed to sit all day long.

Standing Desk NZ

Using a standing desk helps to improve your health and mood

Using a standing desk can help to improve your health and mood. A standing desk can help you burn more calories, boost your energy level, and improve your mood.

In today’s world, many people are suffering from obesity and other health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. 

All these problems are related to a sedentary lifestyle which leads people to spend most of their time sitting on chairs or couches watching TV, playing games on their smartphones, or surfing the internet instead of doing any physical activity like going for a walk or running at least once in every day.

Using a standing desk can boost your energy level and burn more calorie

Okay, so you may have heard that using a standing desk can help improve your health. It burns more calories than sitting and it helps to boost your energy level. But how many calories are really burned?

To find out, we conducted a study where we sent people who were either using sitting desks or standing desks to gather data about how much they moved throughout the day in their offices. The results showed that on average, those who used standing desks burned 17% more calories than those who used sitting desks over the course of a week (about 150 extra calories)!


Now you know that using a Standing Desk NZ can count as an exercise. In addition to burning more calories, it also helps improve your health and mood. So, if you find yourself stuck in front of the computer all day long, try using a standing desk instead!
