Three Unique Ways To Use A Personalised Mug

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personalised mugs

Mugs are a great way to show the world how much you love your family and friends. You can make them personalised mugs with your favourite photo or even an inspirational quote.

  • 3D printing

3D printing is a relatively new technology that has been around since the late 1980s. It allows you to print three-dimensional objects using digital files and a 3D printer.

Unlike traditional manufacturing processes, 3D printing doesn’t require any moulding or casting – instead, the design is created on a computer then sent directly to the printer.

When it comes to personalised mugs with 3D printing, there are many options available. You can get started by looking into local companies in your area that offer this service – these businesses may even have their own websites where they post information about their services and pricing as well as examples of their products (such as coffee mugs). 

Alternatively, you can also contact companies which offer online tools for customers who want to design something themselves before sending it off for professional production; however these sites usually charge higher prices than if you were buying from an individual company with limited resources available for making customised pieces like this one!

  • Using vinyl cutters

If you’re looking for a more cost-effective way to get creative, there are several options available on the market.

  • For those who have access to a vinyl cutter, you can use the Cricut Explore Air 2 or Silhouette Portrait (which is slightly smaller). The Silhouette Cameo 3, Cameo 3 and even the older versions such as 1 and 2 will also work!
  • You can also use something called an “engraver” which creates an image by burning into metal. This technique is great if you want something more permanent than paint or stickers.
  • Personalised photo mugs

  • If you have a favourite photo on your phone, you can get a mug with it on.
  • If you have a favourite photo on your computer, you can get a mug with it on.
  • If you have a favourite photo from the internet, you can get a mug with it on.
  • If you have a favourite Instagram photo, take that down to the shop and they'll put it onto an amazing mug for you! This is great when friends come over and want to see all of your best pictures in one place!
  • Mod Podge

You may have heard the term Mod Podge before. It is a popular brand of glue that can be used to stick photos, fabric and other paper onto surfaces.

personalised mugs


As we have mentioned before, there are many ways to personalise a mug. In addition to the methods listed above—from using vinyl cutters to 3D printing—you can also use Mod Podge and paint pens. The sky’s the limit when it comes to personalised mugs, your favourite drinkware!

Source : Three Unique Ways To Use A Personalised Mug