How to Keep Carpet Clean When You Have Dogs?

The carpets in your home are where you spend most of your time. They're also the first line of defense against dirt, allergens, and bacteria that can make their way into your home. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep them clean—and it doesn't have to be difficult or e

The carpets in your home are where you spend most of your time. They're also the first line of defense against dirt, allergens, and bacteria that can make their way into your home. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep them clean—and it doesn't have to be difficult or expensive! hire carpet cleaning service in geelong regularly to maintain neat and tidy environment.

Invest in a comfortable dog bed

One of the best ways to keep your dog’s carpets clean is by investing in a good dog bed and carpet cleaning service in geelong service. Dog beds are not only comfortable for your pet, but they also provide support for their joints and bones. 

Your dog will love having its own space where it can rest and play when you aren’t around, and when you are there, you can both enjoy snuggling up on the couch together!

Dog beds can be washed or replaced easily if they get dirty, which makes them an ideal carpet cleaner solution. If you have guests over often or just want to have more than one room available for your pup to relax in (like my German Shepherd), this might be something worth looking into!

Handling the hair

  • Vacuum the carpet with a vacuum cleaner that has a pet hair attachment.
  • Use a lint roller to pick up loose hair.
  • Use a damp cloth to remove hair from furniture and other items (counters, walls, etc.).
  • Use a dryer sheet to remove hair from clothing (pants and shirts).

carpet cleaning service in geelong

Accidents happen; react quickly to avoid stains

Accidents happen; it's just part of life. But accidents can be avoided. If you're quick to react, you'll be able to clean up quickly and avoid stains.

 Even if your dog doesn't make an immediate mess, it's still important to always have cleaning supplies around in case they do—and since enzymatic cleaners work best on pet stains, this is one area where you don't want to skimp on quality or quantity.

Regularly vacuum, steam clean, and shampoo the carpets in your home.

If you have dogs in your home, it's important to vacuum and shampoo the carpets on a regular basis. Vacuum the carpets at least once a week to keep dog hair from collecting in the fibers of your carpet. 

Steam clean your carpets at least once a year for extra cleaning power, but try not to overdo it; steam may damage some types of carpeting materials. And lastly, shampoo your carpets at least once every two years with an all-purpose pet shampoo.


Now that you know how to keep carpets clean with dogs, it’s time to put these tips into action. We hope they will help you maintain a comfortable and beautiful home while enjoying your furry friends even more. Hire carpet cleaning service in geelong experts to further deal with carpet cleaning.
