Expert Ways To Protect Your Solar Panels From Environmental Damage

Solar panel seals are the most important part of your solar system. They protect your panels from environmental damage and keep them running efficiently for years to come. Therefore, inspecting the sealant should be a regular part of your maintenance plan. Here's what you need to che

The more you know about commercial solar systems Melbourne, the more likely you are to get the most out of them. Solar panels are a great way to lower your monthly utility bills and reduce your carbon footprint. They're also durable and last for decades, but they can still sustain damage if not properly maintained. 

Inspect your solar panels sealant regularly

Solar panel seals are the most important part of your solar system. They protect your panels from environmental damage and keep them running efficiently for years to come. Therefore, inspecting the sealant should be a regular part of your maintenance plan. Here's what you need to check for your commercial solar systems Melbourne:

  • Check for cracks in the sealant. This is usually pretty obvious as it will appear like a crack or break in the material between two panels or modules on your system that connects them together, but sometimes it can be difficult to spot if it only stretches across one or two cells within one module instead of being visible on both sides of a larger connection point between multiple modules/panels together with their respective seals (like those seen here). 
  • If you do see any cracks, then they need repairing immediately before damage gets worse!
  • Check for signs of damage to either side of these connections where there are no cracks present by looking closely at each individual piece closely so that you can determine whether any parts have been chipped away from around its edges due either directly from high winds blowing against them repeatedly over time eventually weakening their structural integrity until finally breaking off entirely.

Trim back any trees or vegetation

  • Trim back any trees or vegetation.
  • Maintain a safe distance from trees and vegetation. If you have a tree near your panels, trim the branches so that they’re at least six feet away from the solar panel rack, or even farther if you can. It is also recommended that you keep these branches trimmed to avoid sunlight reflecting off them onto your panels and causing damage.



You should also maintain a safe distance from power lines, as well as other electrical equipment (such as transformers). Electrical pad-mounting systems can be used to mount solar panels on top of power poles in areas where no other options are available, but be sure to stay three feet away from any live electrical cables when doing this work!

Include Solar Panels in your Insurance Policy

You should check with your insurance company before you buy solar panels to see if they're covered. Not all insurance companies offer policies that cover solar panels, and if you don't have insurance and are considering installing solar panels, you should seriously consider getting it.

Install protective measures 

When you’re investing in commercial solar systems Melbourne for your home, you want to protect them from environmental damage. Though these are some of the costs that come with having solar energy, they can be minimised. 


Solar panels are a great investment, but they require some maintenance and protection to ensure they work as well as possible. Taking the time now to address these issues will save you money in the long run, so don’t hesitate!