5 Reasons Why Commercial Solar Panels Are a Smart Investment

In terms of return on investment, it’s tough to beat commercial solar Melbourne panels. When purchased with government tax credits and low-interest financing, they pay for themselves in just a few years—and can save millions over their lifetime.

The solar energy industry has been booming in recent years. More and more consumers are making the switch to green energy, and solar panels are one of the most popular ways to do so. But if you’re looking at installing commercial solar Melbourne panels, it can be hard to decide whether or not it’s really worth the investment. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of great reasons to switch over to commercial solar panels, including saving money on electricity and freeing up your roof for other things. 

Below are five of the top reasons why commercial solar panels are a smart investment.

1) It Makes Financial Sense

In terms of return on investment, it’s tough to beat commercial solar Melbourne panels. When purchased with government tax credits and low-interest financing, they pay for themselves in just a few years—and can save millions over their lifetime.

2) Guaranteed Return on Investment

The first reason commercial solar panels are a smart investment is that they give you guaranteed returns. After all, if you buy commercial solar panels and they don’t pay for themselves within, say, 5 years, then your installer has to buy them back from you (for whatever price he sold them to you for) before moving on to his next job. 

In addition, because it doesn’t take long to recoup your initial costs in most cases, everyone wins when they go solar—installers and consumers alike.


3) Complete Management System

The installation of solar panels is only one step to making your commercial property sustainable. Once you have installed commercial solar panels, you will still need to pay attention to other building components, such as ductwork and insulation, that may impact energy costs. 

While it’s important to know how much money you will be saving by installing commercial solar panels, it’s just as critical that you take steps toward becoming more energy-efficient across your entire operation.

4) State and Federal Incentives

One of the reasons people look for commercial solar panels is to take advantage of state and federal tax incentives. A lot of people also want to know if it’s possible to get grants from private entities to help them purchase commercial solar panels. 

The answer is yes, and we’ll talk about that in just a minute. But first, let’s get into those state and federal tax incentives that are available for companies looking into buying commercial solar panels.

5) Rooftop Installation

When it comes to solar, you have two options: on-grid and off-grid. On-grid solar panels are more expensive and less efficient, but if your business already has an existing connection to the power grid and is just looking to supplement its power use with solar energy, on-grid installation is worth considering. 

Off-grid is best for businesses that don’t have an existing connection or those in isolated areas where connecting to a grid would be impossible.


Did you know that nearly one-fifth of all commercial energy costs are spent powering and cooling buildings? That’s a lot of wasted dollars. Fortunately, there’s another solution: switching to solar power. 

If you install commercial solar panels, your business will save thousands of dollars on utility bills each year and reduce its carbon footprint. 

It’s time to go green! 

Call your local commercial solar Melbourne company today for more information about commercial solar panels.