Automatic Changeover Switch: All The Information You Need

An automatic changeover switch is a device that automatically switches between two electrical power sources.

Automatic changeover switches are designed to make your life easier by automatically switching from one circuit breaker to another. 

These systems can be used for several different applications and have a wide range of features that make them useful in homes, businesses, and many other environments. Here's everything you need to know about automatic changeover switches:

What is an Automatic Changeover Switch?

An automatic changeover switch is a device that automatically switches between two electrical power sources. It's used to provide uninterrupted power supply, which can be especially important when there are two different power sources. For example:

  • In businesses, an automatic changeover switch is used to alternate between the main electricity supply and backup generator in case of an outage. This ensures your business continues to operate smoothly.
  • In households, an automatic changeover switch can be installed in your home so that you don't have to worry about turning off electricity during an outage because it'll take care of everything for you!

The most common use for an automatic changeover switch is in businesses. When you run a business from your home, it's important that your business has uninterrupted power supply. This way, if there's an outage or disruption in electricity supply, your business won't be affected.

What Are the Benefits of Having an Automatic Changeover Switch?

There are many benefits to having an automatic changeover switch in your home, from reducing energy costs and carbon footprint to increasing comfort and security.

  • Reduce Energy Costs: An automatic changeover switch will allow you to control the temperature of your home with a single thermostat, rather than two. This means that if you want the living room warmer than the bedroom, it’s as simple as setting one thermostat instead of two. This can save hundreds of dollars per year on heating bills alone!
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint: The same principle applies when considering cooling costs—an automatic changeover switch can be used in conjunction with a programmable setback timer (also known as a “smart” or “learning” thermostat) so that your HVAC system runs only when necessary and at minimum capacity. This lowers demand from utilities while still providing comfortable temperatures throughout your entire home during peak heat waves or cold snaps without breaking any sweat!

How Do You Install and Use an Automatic Changeover Switch?

Installing an automatic changeover switch is simple. Just plug it in, press the button to switch over to the backup power supply and press it again to switch back to your main power supply. If you don't press either button, the device will automatically switch back after a few minutes.

An automatic changeover switch is a device that automatically switches your electrical power supply to a backup source if your main power goes out. This can be useful in case of an emergency, such as when the power goes out during a storm or other natural disaster. It can also help prevent damage to your equipment by keeping it running during a power outage.


We hope that this article has helped you understand a little more about automatic changeover switches. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!