Reasons Why Your Business Needs Tax Investigation Service

Apxium is a recognised firm that offers Tax Investigation Insurance software to help you balance your company's needs and revenues while saving time.

If you think that only large companies or high-net-worth individuals may be subject to HMRC tax investigations, then it is time to rethink. In fact, Tax Investigation Insurance experts can randomly select anyone who submits annual tax returns for compliance checks to see if they have paid the correct taxes and social security contributions based on their income.

  • It is crucial to know about the basic concept and other things related to tax investigation to prevent future issues. A financial crisis can get worse if it is not given proper attention and can cause penalties.

  •  In recent years, the employment sector has undergone tremendous changes. The way, place and time people work has changed across the globe. As the economy continues to diversify, the number of freelancers or individuals registered as self-employed has also increased significantly around the world.

  • It should be noted that Tax Investigation Insurance may not only be triggered by suspicious accounting, lost records, late payment or any other reasons but may also be triggered accidentally. In other words, you don’t have to do anything wrong to be the subject of a tax investigation, and tax inspectors have extensive powers, including the right to trace financial records for up to six years.

Tax Investigation Insurance

Do I Need to Get Investigated?

Although tax investigations are randomly done, HMRC pays more attention to a specific set of industries and occupations than ever before. This includes self-employed plumbers, joiners, builders, retailers, freelancers, consultants, and contractors.

  • As a sole proprietorship, consultant, or small business owner, keep accurate and up-to-date records, complete tax returns every year and pay taxes payable on time, you can treat tax investigation insurance as extra trouble because you can do nothing. But as mentioned earlier, you can be selected for a tax investigation at any time. Although you may not face any fines for underpaid taxes or incorrect tax returns, the investigation itself can be a long and stressful affair. If it is selected, you have no choice but to correspond.

  • Cost estimates vary and depend largely on the nature of your business, the number of transactions you make, and other factors, but such investigations are not just a financial issue.
  • Like other types of insurance, tax investigation protection can also be tailored to individual needs. Most providers have policies to ensure that your professional fees in the process of investigating and/or defending disputes are up to the agreed maximum, as well as related to income tax self-assessment, corporate tax, IR35 inquiries, employer compliance disputes, and value-added tax disputes. You can also insure yourself with unpaid taxes and due social insurance plus interest or any penalties.


Many policy providers also have tax consultation hotlines where customers can get free consultation and information. With Audit Insurance, you can start your business without worrying about unwelcome calls from the tax bureau. Tax investigation plays a crucial role in the business that ensures a smooth and safe business, hire an expert tax consultant to know more in detail.

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