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Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at

Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at

A Montauk survivor's experience with alien abduction and an alien human hybrid

My name is Talop, and I am a Vampire Ashram elder who can attest to the fact that I am an alien-human hybrid who was hybridised and programmed in the notorious Montauk underground in Long Island, New York, for use by the rebel reptilian Satanic empire, which includes the Illuminati, Freemasonic, and Luciferian forces.

I can begin recounting my tale in April of 1971, when I was born in Manhattan's Lenox Hill hospital, or can I? Despite the negative effects of birth trauma on human development, conception is considerably more significant than physical birth. My biological father confirmed to me that I was actually conceived in Montauk, Long Island. despite never having learned how. Nevertheless, it's not like I was planned. He never forgot, though, how magical the night of my creation was.

My biological father also informed me that during my birth, my biological mother was unable to push me out and the physicians were unable to pull me out with forceps. While my conception may have been miraculous, my delivery was not. They simply left me to die or force my way out. Although it took me two hours, I basically gave birth on my own, which I believe provided me some strength. This perseverance has undoubtedly helped me throughout my incredibly challenging life. There are undoubtedly millions of people who have it worse off than I do, but that doesn't make my situation any easier or improve how I feel about it.

The more time a being like myself spends in a world like this, the more difficult their experience becomes. This is owing to the fact that what one is was not intended for this world, and the longer one stays here, the more one's true nature starts to consume themself because it cannot be expressed in this world. Sure, you can pursue Reichian breathwork, kundalini yoga, etc. to bring forth and integrate your "real nature," but if these pursuits are continued steadfastly, you will learn that much of your "armour" and most of your "blockages" are not the results of social conditioning that can be dropped, or psychodynamic conflicts that can be resolved.

If you are successful in overcoming any of these challenges, you will discover that this "The "true you," which you made an effort to emerge from the muck and mud of your humanity, has no place in this world, and as a result, neither do you. This is the underlying cause of your anxiety. Trust me, if you're a hybrid like I am, the "The "true you" is something that is both ominous and unimaginable. Because you are not totally human and your needs are at odds with your humanity, awakening it will prevent your "human" life from "flowing" and your needs from being met. In the end, a hybrid is made up of DNA from different species that, according to the multiverse's natural order, are incompatible with one another. We are not discussing breeding wolves and dogs together, not lions and tigers. What we're discussing is more akin to breeding a snake and a mongoose!

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